Monday, February 14, 2005

Stuff That Got Missed

There's been an issue with Blogger in the way some posts are handled. So here's what's been backing up in my computer:

Here's a link for some midi ringtones in various musical genres. We've been playing Guess The Ringtone And Win, and here are some of the titles we've used:

Rhinestone Cowboy
Seasons In The Sun
Tie A Yellow Ribbon

I google'd for MIDI files to find the ones I used on the air, but then I found this link.


Go to " said...
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Go to " said...

Yo Buzz! Thanks for mentioning my "themidibox" site. I'm going to include a "suggest a midi" function for public input. Remember, I want "good" midis, that is, fine tonal quality. I think the input factor is what's missing, and I thank you for making that clear through my "stats" page.

I should mention that "good" country midis are hard to find, and I've screened hundreds! Help me out. Be specific, please. Whatever your tastes are, I'm interested in your feedback.

Thanks, Bob

PS- visit my neglected blog, sometime. I'm usually busy making sites elsewhere.