(this post may be updated from time to time with new info)
One of my favorite blogs, Lifehacker, has a great series called "How I Work." It's interesting to see how people get their jobs done.
They probably won't ask me to tell them how I work, but just in case the question comes up...
I'm Buzz Jackson, and this is how I work.
I'm the program director and afternoon air personality at KiiM-FM 99.5 in Tucson, the number one radio station in southern Arizona.
Location: Tucson, Arizona
Current Gig: afternoons & program director of KiiM-FM 99.5 (country music station) and program director of i97-5 (top-40 music station) in Tucson.
One word that best describes how you work: 24/7, it seems
Current mobile device: iPhone 5S and third generation iPad
Current computer: 21-inch Late 2012 iMac
What apps/software/tools can't you live without? Why?
- Evernote - Their slogan is "remember everything." Evernote is like an external brain that I can call up from my iPhone, iPad, desktop, etc. I use it for daily show prep, writing, brainstorming, saving great ideas that I see other radio stations doing, travel confirmations, menus of places I've eaten at, gift ideas, stuff like that.
- Google Calendar - I use Google Calendar to manage my schedule and the schedules of my airstaff and board-ops. I then make the calendar public and tell the staff where to find it, so they can see if from wherever they are. And it lets me look at a glance to see if there are any shifts that need to be filled. Also, Google sends me a digest each morning at 5am with that day's appointments which helps refresh my memory daily.
- There's many more apps that I use on a daily basis for my afternoon drive show that I've chronicled here and here.
What's your workspace set up like?
- Standard desk at work with a computer, speakers, HD radio, etc. At home, pretty much the same thing, although I often work "mobile" using the iPad or iPhone in front of the TV - if something strikes me as something I want to remember, I'll save it to Evernote so I remember - or add it directly to the show sheet for whenever I plan to use it on the air.
What's your best timesaving shortcut/lifehack?
- If This Then That lets you automate a lot of the internet - alerts, emails, etc. I then dump everything that's collected into Evernote where I can browse it when I'm ready to prep for the show.
What's your favorite to-do list manager?
- I use Google Calendar to set reminders - because the reminders will pop up on my computer as well as my iPhone... so if my phone is muted or in my pocket or on a charger somewhere, I'll still get the reminder if I have Google Calendar open on my desktop.
- I also use the iPhone app Checkmark because it is location-based. It can be set to remind me at a certain duration after arriving home or at work. It's $10 but I got it when it was free (I'm pretty sure) so if you wait, it might go on sale again.
Besides your phone and computer, what piece of technology can't you live without?
- My fitbit. Keeps me motivated to keep moving. You see a lot of overweight middle aged radio DJs out there, and I'm trying not to become one of them!
What everyday thing are you better at than others?
- I don't know if I'm better at anything, but I have learned to stay better-organized.
What are you currently reading?
- I don't read a lot of fiction. I devour the newspaper (I know, right? I might be one of the few), and stay connected to what's happening via twitter, facebook and reddit.
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