Thursday, March 15, 2007

Blue Angels Recap

As you might have heard, I was designated an alternate rider for the Blue Angels media flights yesterday. In the event that either of the three primary riders couldn't fly, or wimped out, I would most likely have gotten to fly.

Alas, all three riders (Gina from Fox 11, a guy from Fox Sports Denver, and a guy from Cox Communications) showed up, so myself and the alternates hung around long enough for the first Blue Angels flight to take off, then we headed to the Tucson airport where acrobatic pilot Greg Poe waited for us.

There, we flew in a Cessna plane while Greg flew his ethanol-powered plane around us, performing stunts and aerial acrobatics. It was like having a front row seat for that part of the air show!

The air show is at DM this weekend. Find out more at Check out some pictures from my day:

By the way, this magazine that I found at the airports' executive terminal costs $35! But that's for two months, so it really works out to a much more reasonable $17.50/month.
A magazine that costs $35!

Listen to the audio here!

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